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Our main goal is to democratize
Artificial Intelligence  


With the increase in personal data, we encounter ourselves more exposed than never before. We leave our single identity behind to start having two, the real one and the digital one.  


In Human Trends we respect people's privacy in both worlds, digital and non-digital. In order to make that happen, we do not accept projects that may not respect this principle. Furthermore, our results will never draw conclusions on an only person. We do not have the need to see the tree in order to know how the forest looks like.  


The ends do not justify the means. Only by knowing how our methods and algorithms work we will be capable of selecting those that are in line with our values.  The algorithms used in Human Trends assure actionable insights, not only to help in decision-making, but also to detect possible biases.

No discrimination

The purpose of Mathematical models is to optimize the solution of the problem they are trying to solve. They do not assess the possible consequences of a given choice on the people concerned. Our team is committed to thoroughly review our models to avoid this type of behavior. This is possible thanks to the openness and transparency of the models we use.


Work bounded by ethical principles does not prevent us from obtaining excellent results. Our team of multidisciplinary researchers not only approaches the task from the perspective of data analytics, but goes beyond that. With experts in complex systems physics and social engineering, we approach each task from a global perspective. We are committed to delivering a high quality and applicable product.


Artificial Intelligence +

Diseñamos sistemas inteligentes de alta calidad, fáciles de integrar en cualquier sector, para ser tu aliado en innovación y transformación digital, superando barreras y maximizando el potencial de tu negocio.

We will be in touch soon!

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Media listening

Traditional and digital media platforms

Tracking of advertising campaigns

Social network trends analysis

Location intelligence

Detection of optimal locations

Crime analysis

Traffic and pedestrian indexes

Intelligent vision

Customized objects and logo detection

Capacity and anomalous behavior alerts

Face recognition

Systems optimization

Optimization of production systems

Delivery route optimization

KPI monitoring and improvement


Customer profiling from an ethical point of view

Fraud detection

AI lead scoring

Network analysis

Microinfluencers detection

Interested communities

Misinformation analysis

Voice recognition

Phone conversations analysis

Human/machine communication

Speech to text

Intelligence analysis

Competitors analysis

Foresight and risk assessment

Insiders detection

Success stories

Casos de exito


We need to find razor blade customers on social networks

Since the main sign of using a razor is being clean-shaven, the AI team developed an algorithm for visual recognition of clean-shaven men. Profiles that scored a high probability of being clean-shaven received advertising from the brand, while men with beards scored a low probability and were not contacted. Without creativity, artificial intelligence is a directionless tool.


We need to find influencers interested in our political program

Microinfluencers can make a difference. Users with high impact in their community willing to collaborate with the communication campaign. Our team is able to detect them thanks to the use and understanding of complex systems physics.



We need to predict the people who will answer the calls from the call center

The problem: users not interested in being contacted and wasted effort by call center operators. The solution: an intelligent algorithm to classify customers in order to obtain the probability of response.


"En cumplimiento del Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 27 de abril de 2016 y la ley orgánica 3/2018 de 5 de diciembre de Protección de Datos Personales y de Garantía de los Derechos Digitales le informamos que los datos por Vd. proporcionados serán objeto de tratamiento por parte de TREND SIGHTS S.L. con CIF B02917284, con domicilio en BILBAO (VIZCAYA), C.P. 48009, CALLE ALAMEDA RECALDE Nº 34, PLANTA 1, PUERTA IZQ. , con la finalidad de prestarle el servicio solicitado y/o contratado, realizar la facturación del mismo.

La base legal para el tratamiento de sus datos es la ejecución del servicio por usted contratado y/o solicitado. La oferta prospectiva de productos y servicios está basada en el consentimiento que se le solicita, sin que en ningún caso la retirada de este consentimiento condicione la ejecución del contrato.

Los datos proporcionados se conservarán mientras se mantenga la relación comercial o durante los años necesarios para cumplir con las obligaciones legales. Los datos no se cederán a terceros salvo en los casos en que exista una obligación legal.

Usted tiene derecho a obtener confirmación sobre si en TREND SIGHTS S.L. estamos tratando sus datos personales y por tanto tiene derecho a ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, limitación del tratamiento, portabilidad, oposición al tratamiento y supresión de sus datos mediante escrito dirigido a la dirección postal arriba mencionada o electrónica, adjuntando copia del DNI en ambos casos, así como el derecho a presentar una reclamación ante la Autoridad de Control (

Asimismo le solicitamos su autorización para ofrecerle productos y servicios relacionados con los solicitados, prestados y/o comercializados por nuestra entidad y poder de esa forma fidelizarle como cliente.


En Human Trends nos motiva resolver problemas. Usamos toda nuestra tecnología y potencial humano para ayudarte a resolver esos imposibles. Cuéntanos tu caso en una reunión.

A multidisciplinary team will study your case

Proposal development without commitment

Strategic design in less than 2 days

We will be in touch soon!

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